Your Mind is the Navigator of Your Life
Create a healthy relationship between you and your mind.
The Blueprint of Me & My Mind is a self-written design document used to create a healthy relationship between you and your mind. Like a roommate that lives with you 24/7, the chatterbox in your head can run stressful thoughts on autopilot, or inspire you to do great things. This is the most important relationship you have and the foundation for all other relationships. When it’s going well, it feeds everything else in your life.
- Gain clarity on what matters most and mindfully custom design your life and work using what you value as a lens.
- Capture your most emotionally intelligent self on paper and use it to return there when stress invades the mind.
- Engage curiosity over judgment to wire your brain for clarity and connection.
- Create a self-written guide to grow awareness of self and others, reduce stress, and move into healthy action.
How It's Being Used:
Social and Mental Health: Strengthen your resiliency in complex and uncertain landscapes within yourself and your relationships.
Personal Development Plan: Put into practice the personal and leadership tools you have acquired over the years, or address specific issues that have held you back, or aspects you want to evolve.
- New or Current Endeavor: Create mindful growth in a new city, job, relationship, with health challenges, a new stage of your life, etc.
Our brain operates in two basic modes: Safety Brain and Connected Brain. One engages stress, the other ease. Creating a Blueprint of Me helps you place joy on auto-pilot and use stress for greater clarity—enabling healthier daily life, relationships and work experiences.
- Wires your brain for clarity and connection
- Creates a self-written guide to grow awareness, reduce stress, and move into effortless, healthy action
- Used worldwide in both business and personal settings in many languages and cultures
Creating a Blueprint of Me with yourself ensures that you tend to yourself, so that you thrive in the world and are able to sustain yourself and others around you.
You Will Receive:
- Certified Collaboration Coaching Session (phone, Skype or Zoom)
- Preliminary meeting to assess needs (15 minutes free)
- 90, 120, or 180 minute session
- Scheduling contact information included with purchase
- Digital Materials: Single Use License
- Blueprint of Me Template
- Google Doc version: View Only Google Doc to duplicate and make your own; Microsoft Word downloadable
- Supporting PDF Materials
- Introduction and Overview
- eBook: The Collaborative Brain Toolkit
One of the keys to establishing effortless relationships with others is to foster a healthy relationship with yourself. There will always be days when the chatterbox in your head spirals you down, but what if you could reduce the days in the downward spiral to minutes? What if joy were on auto-pilot?
You will find, as you begin to pay attention to what you need, that your bad days become infrequent, and eventually they just become bad moments, little blips on the screen rather than all out stress and tension. You become more engaged in life, more present, than you've ever experienced before.
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Design and build a better relationship with a Collaboration Coach as your guide
Self aware individuals can greatly impact a relationship, but the ultimate health of a group depends on building the skills and capacities for Collaborative Awareness: who are we together.
Our Certified Collaboration Coaches help you how you will be with yourself and others. They can teach you to use your relationship stress for greater clarity, trust and connection.
Experts in Collaboration help you to:
- access where you are on your journey and determine which tools best suit you and which to apply first
- use the Noise in the System neuroscience tools for less stress and more trust
- gain insights into how to get the most from the Blueprint of Me Collaboration Process
- facilitate your Blueprint of Me design, where collaboration get’s real and fun!
- know how to use the tools as a long-term practice after your Collaboration Coaching session
Single Use License Definition:
When you use the Blueprint of Me Collaboration Document Template, you will be creating a single Blueprint of Me. When you go on to create Blueprints in new situations or with new people, you will need to purchase additional Single Use Licenses for each Blueprint you create. To purchase additional licenses increase the quantity to the number of licenses you need.
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Product Specifications
Blueprint of We Template includes a digital version. The template is comprised of questions within each of the 5 Components that make up the structure of a Collaboration Document.
The 5 Components of a Collaboration Document
1. The Story of Me
Capture the best aspects of yourself in writing.
2. Interaction Styles & Stress Messages
Who you are. How you work best.
3. Custom Design
Determine what matters most. Mindfully design what, when, why and how.
4. Questions for Peace & Possibility
Capture creative and compassionate you ahead of time.
5. Short & Long-term Timeframes
Coming back to center and building your document.