Design what you want to experience in a healthy relationship.
The Couples Blueprint of We Collaboration Process enables you to mindfully design a new way of relating to one another rather than falling into old relationship patterns, or recreating the ones you grew up with. Build trust between one another with greater ease as you learn more about how each person operates and how to bring out the best aspects of one another.
You Will Receive:
- Certified Collaborative Awareness Coaching Session (phone, Skype or Zoom)
- Preliminary meeting to assess needs (15 minutes free)
- 90, 120, or 180 minute session
- Scheduling contact information included with purchase
- Digital Materials: Single Use License
Couples Blueprint of We Template - Google Doc - View Only Google Doc to duplicate and make your own; Microsoft Word downloadable
- Couples Blueprint of Me Templates - Google Doc - View Only Google Doc to duplicate and make your own; Microsoft Word downloadable
- Supporting PDF Materials
- PDF: The Collaborative Brain Toolkit eBook is a brilliant overview of the 3 Essential Elements that are necessary for groups to thrive.
- PDF: Introduction to the Blueprint of We to share the concept with others
- Digital: How-To Instructions for Creating, Clarifying and Using Your Blueprint
Expand your curiosity about your partner and deepen your connection with one another while staying true to who you are and who you want to become.
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Design and build a better relationship with a Collaborative Awareness Coach as your guide
Self aware individuals can greatly impact a relationship, but the ultimate health of a group depends on building the skills and capacities for Collaborative Awareness: recognizing and designing who are we together.
Our Certified Collaboration Coaches help you custom design how you will be together, and teach you to use your relationship stress for greater clarity, trust and connection.
Experts in Collaboration help you to:
- access where you are on your journey and determine which tools best suit you and which to apply first
- learn great ways to get others on board
- use the Noise in the System neuroscience tools for less stress and more trust
- gain insights into how to get the most from the Blueprint of We Collaboration Process
- facilitate your Blueprint of We Clarifying Conversation, where collaboration get’s real and fun!
- know how to use the tools as a long-term practice after your Collaboration Coaching session
Learn more about the Blueprint of We
In no time at all you can get started with the 1.0 version of your co-created Blueprint. Over time, you will continue to add to the document as you transition and evolve the relationship into something new that works for you. Build the foundation to continually have the conversations that matter and open the door to creating the relationship you desire.
Build awareness of your actions and your frame of mind a little each day. Like any regular small practice, the effects will accumulate before you know it. What we give attention to grows.
Single Use License Definition:
When you use the Blueprint of We Collaboration Document Template, you will be sharing these materials with others to create a single Blueprint of We. When you go on to create Blueprints in new situations or with new people, you will need to purchase additional Single Use Licenses for each Blueprint you create. To purchase additional licenses increase the quantity to the number of licenses you need.
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The Blueprint of We Collaboration Document & Process
The Blueprint of We is a design document for people who want to get things done. The simple structure harnesses the innate social nature of humans and builds the skills and capacity to deliver on your goals.
- It is currently used in many languages and cultures in 100+ countries worldwide—from entrepreneurial start-ups to non-profit organizations to global corporations, from couples to families, from individuals to communities to any relationship situation that exists.
- The Blueprint is at once intimate and scalable to thousands.
- It creates a space to be vulnerable and is being used to replace or enhance legal contracts.
Two Blueprint of We Elements
1. The co-written design document gives people the space to exchange information about who they are and how they work best.
2. The collaboration process builds on your written design document and introduces tools to develop collaborative leadership behaviors, calming messy minds and improving on what is already working.
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Product Specifications & Process
Blueprint of We Template includes a digital version and a printable PDF version. The template is comprised of questions within each of the 5 Components that make up the structure of a Collaboration Document.
Use the supporting PDF documents to assist you in introducing and utilizing the Blueprint of We.